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Cairns Dining
A comprehensive guide to restaurants, cafes and take-aways in Cairns
Cairns Esplanade Restaurants
Cairns Esplanade restaurants and cafes are as diverse as the people strolling along the promenade. Whether you are looking for a quick takeaway meal to satisfy your cravings at lunch or a fine dining restaurant that spoils your palette with the finest seafood in the world, the Cairns Esplanade is a diners' delight. Restaurants, bars, cafes and bistros line the esplanade from its starting point at the Cairns Hilton, all the way north to the cluster of mangroves and pirate ship playground.
Here is a selection of restaurants categorised to make it easy for you to select a place to eat. Some restaurants fit into multiple categories, such as ‘Fine Dining’ and ‘Great for a sit–down lunch’, so see how you feel and choose from your heart. There is such a wide selection of exquisite restaurants along this single esplanade that you can’t possibly go wrong.
Click on each dining establishment for detailed data including phone number, address, and a brief description. For more information about Cairns Esplanade restaurants, see Cairns Dining.